Time to kick off 2017, and what better way than with a motivational post?
To the left is the front dashboard of my beautiful planner...I call him Tony, because (a) I think every assistant needs a name and (b) because he's a beautiful green leather binder, reminiscent of an old boyfriend.
Yea, I know...but it works for me :)
Years before cell phones became our life coordinators, I used a paper planner. Like a lot of people a few years ago, I realized though the phone is always in my hand, using it for organizing and noting things and doodling and writing bits of thoughts...just wasn't working for me and it was time to go back to paper.
And WOW has paper planning become a THING! I love Tony in all his beautiful green leather glory, the stickers, the pockets, the organization!
Yes, I feel like I CAN do anything!
Saturday...this was the view from my front door. I am SO not a snow lover.
OK, It does look pretty.
The plus of being snowbound for the day? I spent some time organizing Tony so he could organize me!
I've made a commitment to be here on the blog twice a week...not sure what days that will just yet or what exactly I'm going to blog about, please leave me a comment if you have any ideas!
I'm also a member of the "Through Heart-Shaped Glasses" blog and we recently made the decision to kick the blog up a level with more interaction from our readers. We've created a group over on Facebook, where we'll be chatty about life, love and romance novels, and we'll be doing giveaways and fun stuff along the way.
Check us out! https://www.facebook.com/groups/THSG.authors/
Happy Scribbling!
Welcome to my blog, SCRIBBLING TO (IN)SANITY! First time here? I'm a romance writer who wants to believe most problems can be solved over coffee, a mixed drink or by anything covered in chocolate. I'm a believer in second chances and that it's always the right time to fall in love. As the saying goes, you're a guest in my house only once...then you're family. So I invite you to join the fun! I love comments but it's okay to lurk too - just know I'm glad you've found me and I hope you visit me again soon!
Monday, January 9, 2017
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Character Interview Blog Hop - Heroes! #MeetTheHero
Thanks for stopping by today for the fourth week of the Character Interview Blog Hop - HEROES series where you'll be introduced to leading men from a variety of genres by different authors.
Last week we met the irresistible heartthrob from author Debra Druzy over on her BLOG. Nick Knight is the hero from her contemporary romance SLEEPING WITH SANTA.
In today's interview I'd like to introduce you to William Montgomery, the blacksmith hero from my paranormal romance, A FISTFUL OF FATE.
Would you die for love...twice?
William Montgomery, a blacksmith wrongly sentenced to
death in 1806 for the murder of the woman he loved, cannot rest. As a ghost,
he's been bound to Clayton Creek for over two hundred years…waiting for the
soul of his true love to find him and finally set him free.
I'm meeting up with Will at a small table in the back corner of the Whipple Inn, across the street from his Blacksmith shop. He walks in and approaches the table, his white shirt, barely able to contain his well-muscled arms, tucked neatly into his black trousers. His blue eyes light up as he smiles and accepts the mugs of ale I've taken the liberty of ordering for him.
"Will, I'm so glad you could take a few minutes to do this interview with me."
He stares into the mug, taking a deep breath before leaning back against his chair with a sigh. "I welcome a few moments of distraction."
"I promise not to take too much of your time away from the blacksmith shop .I think after being a ghost trapped in this village for over two hundred years my readers would love to know if you have one real fear?"
"That the witch lied. Two hundred years gives a man a long time to think, not much else to do really. Think and wait. And in all that time I've had to hold on to the hope that Maeve and her magic pearls would be the answer that would finally bring me peace. Without Rebecca I would have welcomed death years go."
I want to reach out and touch his strong hand, but he grabs the mug of ale and takes a long sip. His intense blue eyes take in everyone seated around us, but he remains quiet, deep in thought. "Have you told anyone else about this fear?"
"Maeve very well knows my feelings on the matter. It is a little hard to hide ones feelings over two hundred years. She's always reminding me to mind my temper, some days I am more successful at achieving that goal than others." He winks and I melt just a little at his charm.
"I can't imagine what it's like being a ghost, but now that you're back as a living breathing man, do you ever need some time alone?"
"I didn't think I would. After all that time watching the people come and go, wishing I could breath the air, smell the lavender that so reminds me of Rebecca, I didn't expect to want or need to be alone. But does anything ever goes as one plans? Fortunately for me this village is a very dark and quite place at night, perfect for reflecting on the day and the problems that need conquering. Or for walking off that temper I am constantly reminded of."
"While you're out there walking the streets at night reflecting, do you ever think about the one person that made the most positive influence on your life?"
He leans across the table, his eyes now intently focused on me. A half smile slides across his lightly whiskered cheeks, still I sink lower in my chair from the intensity of his glare. His large palms finally come to rest against the wood of the table. "Rebecca. I'd never heard the birds in the trees or smelled the lavender in the fields before her. Every good thing I was before that tragic night was simply because of her presence in my life. She was a schoolteacher you know, taught me more than I thought I needed to learn."
"So, that brings me to my last question. What are you most ashamed of?"
A flash of anger sparks across his beautiful blue eyes, turning them a stormy gray. With a finger to his temple he bites into his lower lip, and I instantly regret asking the one question I probably should have left off the table for this interview. But, heck, he's the hero and I know he can handle it even it makes him squirm a little bit.
He finishes the ale and slams the mug on the wood. "Shame is not the word to describe my torment. Frustration that I let Reginald best me, anger that she got in the way and took that bullet meant for that bastard. Those are better words to describe my emotions. I would never have taken that shot and I've lived with the memory of that night for far too long. That I was so quickly condemned and executed for her death should have brought shame, but it didn't. Disgust and a seething desire for justice took it's place in my heart a long time ago. But, the pearls...they give me hope that I can make things right, that Rebecca can forgive me. Because nothing else matters to me. Nothing."
"Will, thanks for the stopping by. I'm going to let you get back over to the blacksmith shop, I know you've got work to do and I don't want to keep you any longer."
He shakes my hand and leans over to kiss my cheek before he leaves the Whipple Inn. Rebecca is one lucky woman!
A Fistful of Fate
Be sure to check back next week as the Character Interview Blog Hop continues when Stephanie Kepke interviews her hero Zach Gold from her new woman's fiction release, A NEW LIFE.
Bio: Stephanie Kepke writes women's fiction with heart, humor and a dash of spice. Her short story, A New Life, will be out from The Wild Rose Press on February 25, 2015. Her articles and essays have appeared in numerous publications. In her pre-child life she was an arts reporter and music journalist. She lives on Long Island with her husband, three sons and two slightly crazy rescue dogs in a very chaotic house... To learn more about Stephanie's writing, please visit her website at http://stephaniekepke.com/
"That the witch lied. Two hundred years gives a man a long time to think, not much else to do really. Think and wait. And in all that time I've had to hold on to the hope that Maeve and her magic pearls would be the answer that would finally bring me peace. Without Rebecca I would have welcomed death years go."
I want to reach out and touch his strong hand, but he grabs the mug of ale and takes a long sip. His intense blue eyes take in everyone seated around us, but he remains quiet, deep in thought. "Have you told anyone else about this fear?"
"Maeve very well knows my feelings on the matter. It is a little hard to hide ones feelings over two hundred years. She's always reminding me to mind my temper, some days I am more successful at achieving that goal than others." He winks and I melt just a little at his charm.
"I can't imagine what it's like being a ghost, but now that you're back as a living breathing man, do you ever need some time alone?"
"I didn't think I would. After all that time watching the people come and go, wishing I could breath the air, smell the lavender that so reminds me of Rebecca, I didn't expect to want or need to be alone. But does anything ever goes as one plans? Fortunately for me this village is a very dark and quite place at night, perfect for reflecting on the day and the problems that need conquering. Or for walking off that temper I am constantly reminded of."
"While you're out there walking the streets at night reflecting, do you ever think about the one person that made the most positive influence on your life?"
He leans across the table, his eyes now intently focused on me. A half smile slides across his lightly whiskered cheeks, still I sink lower in my chair from the intensity of his glare. His large palms finally come to rest against the wood of the table. "Rebecca. I'd never heard the birds in the trees or smelled the lavender in the fields before her. Every good thing I was before that tragic night was simply because of her presence in my life. She was a schoolteacher you know, taught me more than I thought I needed to learn."
"So, that brings me to my last question. What are you most ashamed of?"
A flash of anger sparks across his beautiful blue eyes, turning them a stormy gray. With a finger to his temple he bites into his lower lip, and I instantly regret asking the one question I probably should have left off the table for this interview. But, heck, he's the hero and I know he can handle it even it makes him squirm a little bit.
He finishes the ale and slams the mug on the wood. "Shame is not the word to describe my torment. Frustration that I let Reginald best me, anger that she got in the way and took that bullet meant for that bastard. Those are better words to describe my emotions. I would never have taken that shot and I've lived with the memory of that night for far too long. That I was so quickly condemned and executed for her death should have brought shame, but it didn't. Disgust and a seething desire for justice took it's place in my heart a long time ago. But, the pearls...they give me hope that I can make things right, that Rebecca can forgive me. Because nothing else matters to me. Nothing."
"Will, thanks for the stopping by. I'm going to let you get back over to the blacksmith shop, I know you've got work to do and I don't want to keep you any longer."
He shakes my hand and leans over to kiss my cheek before he leaves the Whipple Inn. Rebecca is one lucky woman!
A Fistful of Fate
Would you die for love...twice?
William Montgomery, a blacksmith wrongly sentenced to
death in 1806 for the murder of the woman he loved, cannot rest. As a ghost,
he's been bound to Clayton Creek for over two hundred years…waiting for the
soul of his true love to find him and finally set him free.
Rebecca Prescott, tormented by a strange recurring nightmare
of her ancestor’s murder, is drawn to a two-week colonial reenactment at the
scene of the ancient crime. She expects to put her nightmares to rest, instead
she finds one charming blacksmith and past life memories of an undying love.
William needs to break the witch's curse by winning
Rebecca's love in the present and earning her forgiveness for the past before
his fistful of magic pearls disappear and he's condemned to Clayton Creek
Can Rebecca’s soul finally reunite with her destined
love or will she repeat the past and die once again for the man she loves?
Amazon: http://amzn.com/B00IQKH13K
Be sure to check back next week as the Character Interview Blog Hop continues when Stephanie Kepke interviews her hero Zach Gold from her new woman's fiction release, A NEW LIFE.
Bio: Stephanie Kepke writes women's fiction with heart, humor and a dash of spice. Her short story, A New Life, will be out from The Wild Rose Press on February 25, 2015. Her articles and essays have appeared in numerous publications. In her pre-child life she was an arts reporter and music journalist. She lives on Long Island with her husband, three sons and two slightly crazy rescue dogs in a very chaotic house... To learn more about Stephanie's writing, please visit her website at http://stephaniekepke.com/
Visit her blog - http://stephaniekepke.wordpress.com/
Monday, January 26, 2015
Snow Day Crockpot Chicken & Dumplings #crockpotdinner
Winter. New York. The first blizzard of 2015.
Time to break out the crockpot!
With the expected snowfall amounts increasing by the hour, I plan to spend my day getting some unexpected words on the WIP...and getting dinner out of the way early is a bonus.
Right now I'm in revision/edit mode on the first in my time travel series to the California Gold Rush in 1851 and having a blast writing my sheriff, Sam Harden. I can't wait to introduce you to him!
Back to dinner...
This is a super easy crockpot dinner that is a favorite in my house (in other words...all three kids will eat it!)
Boneless chicken thighs (I buy the large family pkg - at least 10-12 thighs)
2 cans cream of chicken soup
2 cans biscuits
garlic powder & pepper to taste
Toss the chicken in the crockpot. Cover with the cans of soup - add a full soup can of water. Sprinkle with some garlic powder and pepper. Cook on low about 6 hours.
30 minutes before serving...open the cans of biscuits. Rip each biscuit in half and place on top of the chicken/gravy. Cover and let rise to cook as dumplings. (You CAN use one can...my kids love the biscuits, so I make 2 cans)
Serve with a side veggie and Enjoy!
Time to break out the crockpot!
With the expected snowfall amounts increasing by the hour, I plan to spend my day getting some unexpected words on the WIP...and getting dinner out of the way early is a bonus.
Right now I'm in revision/edit mode on the first in my time travel series to the California Gold Rush in 1851 and having a blast writing my sheriff, Sam Harden. I can't wait to introduce you to him!
Back to dinner...
This is a super easy crockpot dinner that is a favorite in my house (in other words...all three kids will eat it!)
Boneless chicken thighs (I buy the large family pkg - at least 10-12 thighs)
2 cans cream of chicken soup
2 cans biscuits
garlic powder & pepper to taste
Toss the chicken in the crockpot. Cover with the cans of soup - add a full soup can of water. Sprinkle with some garlic powder and pepper. Cook on low about 6 hours.
30 minutes before serving...open the cans of biscuits. Rip each biscuit in half and place on top of the chicken/gravy. Cover and let rise to cook as dumplings. (You CAN use one can...my kids love the biscuits, so I make 2 cans)
Serve with a side veggie and Enjoy!
Saturday, January 3, 2015
A 2015 Mantra! #WordstoLiveBy
Over the last few years I have opted out of the whole "New Year Resolutions" game and went instead with the idea of adopting a few phrases that can inspire me throughout the year.
This year after some thought on where I've been this past year and how I want to reshape my life this year...this is what I came up with.
Find your TRIBE. Surround yourself with people that share your values and vision.
You are ENOUGH. Embrace everything that makes you - you.
Never stop DREAMING. Everyday you have a chance to take a new step toward making that dream come true.
Never Surrender!!
It's taken me quite a number of years, but I can honestly say I have a wonderful group of friends that I trust completely with my secrets, my successes and all the strange moments that get me from point A to point B! Yes, finding my TRIBE has been a long road, but it was worth the wait!
The concept of being ENOUGH is a constant struggle. Am I thin enough? am I witty enough, organized enough, driven enough for the society I live in? You know what? WHO CARES!!! This year I asked my stylist to add vivid purple streaks to my hair, because I love purple - and I don't care what anyone thinks about it. This year I wrote a series of sweet novellas because I wanted a change from spicy romance - and I enjoyed it! I'm on the path to embracing the real me (the tattoo is coming!) and I'm having a blast. I'm enough for ME, more than enough...and that's what counts!
I don't ever plan to stop DREAMING! I truly believe that when we stop dreaming and reaching for the stars is the day we end up in the rocking chair with the remote control and nothing else to live for. Nope, that's not going to be me.
What about you?
Happy 2015 my friends...we're in for a wild ride, enjoy every minute!
This year after some thought on where I've been this past year and how I want to reshape my life this year...this is what I came up with.
Find your TRIBE. Surround yourself with people that share your values and vision.
You are ENOUGH. Embrace everything that makes you - you.
Never stop DREAMING. Everyday you have a chance to take a new step toward making that dream come true.
Never Surrender!!
It's taken me quite a number of years, but I can honestly say I have a wonderful group of friends that I trust completely with my secrets, my successes and all the strange moments that get me from point A to point B! Yes, finding my TRIBE has been a long road, but it was worth the wait!
The concept of being ENOUGH is a constant struggle. Am I thin enough? am I witty enough, organized enough, driven enough for the society I live in? You know what? WHO CARES!!! This year I asked my stylist to add vivid purple streaks to my hair, because I love purple - and I don't care what anyone thinks about it. This year I wrote a series of sweet novellas because I wanted a change from spicy romance - and I enjoyed it! I'm on the path to embracing the real me (the tattoo is coming!) and I'm having a blast. I'm enough for ME, more than enough...and that's what counts!
I don't ever plan to stop DREAMING! I truly believe that when we stop dreaming and reaching for the stars is the day we end up in the rocking chair with the remote control and nothing else to live for. Nope, that's not going to be me.
What about you?
Happy 2015 my friends...we're in for a wild ride, enjoy every minute!
Thursday, December 25, 2014
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