
Welcome to my blog, SCRIBBLING TO (IN)SANITY! First time here? I'm a romance writer who wants to believe most problems can be solved over coffee, a mixed drink or by anything covered in chocolate. I'm a believer in second chances and that it's always the right time to fall in love. As the saying goes, you're a guest in my house only once...then you're family. So I invite you to join the fun! I love comments but it's okay to lurk too - just know I'm glad you've found me and I hope you visit me again soon!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Through Heart-Shaped Glasses - Group Blog Opens today!

I'm absolutely thrilled to announce the birth of a new group blog...11 awesome authors and yours truly have put our heads together and the result is what you'll see at http://throughheartshapedglasses.com!

From suspense to sweet or sinfully erotic, or in the past, present or future...we write to entertain our readers. From aspiring to multi-published, we are romance authors, seeing life through our own heart-shaped glasses. Enjoy the view!

 Everything from romance, novels, life and family and writing will be shared through our eyes...yes, we're romance writers...we look at life through our very own pairs of heart-shaped glasses.

My day will always be on the 21st (except for today...since I wrote the welcome post - so please come by and show me some love!) And we'll be taking guest bloggers on the 1st and the 15th of every month.

The theme for May is "Firsts" and with 12 ladies...you never know what you're going to get...from first dates to first contracts to that first time at a conference, you're bound to find someone to connect with, laugh with or cry with.

Oh, and I did I mention Blog Swag? Yes, we've got that too. Every month one of our authors will be sponsoring our blog swag gift and this month it's me! Any comments during the entire month are entered to win a $10 amazon e-card - chosen at random on June 1st.

Come on over and welcome us to the blog world!

Visit Heart-Shaped Glasses today!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with the new blog, Debbie. Sounds like fun. I'll be popping in when I can. Cheers!


Thanks for stopping by the blog today and for joining in the conversation with your comment! Happy scribbling!