Look for a new contest in January!
Now onto today's phenomenon...
Unless you're living under a rock (or have no concept of time and dates) you know that today is one of those dates on the calendar most of us will never see again.
Here's a few interesting things about the number 12 and why it's a number we all know well...
There are 12 months in a year.
There are 12 signs of the zodiac.
There are 12 inches to a foot.
There are 12 items in a dozen.
A day is broken into 12 hours on an analogue clock.
12 tribes were started after Moses lead his people out of Egypt.
Jesus had 12 disciples.
In Hinduism, the Sun God Surya has 12 names.
Christians celebrate 12 days of Christmas.
There are 12 sets of ribs in the human body (most of the time.)
Most humans also have 12 cranial nerves.
AA has a 12 step program.
12 Astronauts have walked on the moon.
And that's all I've got this morning...how about you? Any 12 trivia I missed? Hope it's a lucky day for you and it brings you happiness x 12!
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