
Welcome to my blog, SCRIBBLING TO (IN)SANITY! First time here? I'm a romance writer who wants to believe most problems can be solved over coffee, a mixed drink or by anything covered in chocolate. I'm a believer in second chances and that it's always the right time to fall in love. As the saying goes, you're a guest in my house only once...then you're family. So I invite you to join the fun! I love comments but it's okay to lurk too - just know I'm glad you've found me and I hope you visit me again soon!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

52 Ways to Joy - Quiet...I'm daydreaming!

"I don't dream at night, I dream all day; I dream for a living." Steven Spielberg  

Remember being a kid and being told to "stop daydreaming" and pay attention to whatever the important matter at hand might have been?

Remember those lazy summer nights laying in the grass and looking up into the night sky...wishing on stars?

Today I'm here to remind you that the muse we're always complaining about needs time to work her magic and daydreaming is where it's at!

Believe me I'll be the first person to complain that my damn muse never shows up for work on time, but I'm starting to believe she's a dreamer and sillyheart...not someone I can shackle to my laptop and expect to then be creative.

John Candy gets it right in this clip from one of my favorite scenes in Uncle Buck:


Don't let the "dried out, scallywags" get a hold of you and inhibit your dreams!

There is nothing wrong with taking a few minutes of your day to close your eyes and let your mind wander. Let it wander to new places, new thoughts, or to a place that calms your soul.

Sit under the stars. 
Wake up early and take your coffee out to see the sunrise.
Soak in a hot tub, warm bubble bath or lounge in a pool.

Close your eyes, let the quiet moment seep in and ... just dream!


 52 Ways to Joy is a weekly post to celebrate the simple ways to bring joy into your life and those around you. It's about the small moments that make memories and give us all a sense of contentment in the crazy world we live in. If you're joining me here for the first time, by clicking on the label  "52WTJ" you can read the previous posts!

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, so true. If I can find a small space to clear my mind and just daydream, that's when my muse shows up and wants to play.


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