
Welcome to my blog, SCRIBBLING TO (IN)SANITY! First time here? I'm a romance writer who wants to believe most problems can be solved over coffee, a mixed drink or by anything covered in chocolate. I'm a believer in second chances and that it's always the right time to fall in love. As the saying goes, you're a guest in my house only once...then you're family. So I invite you to join the fun! I love comments but it's okay to lurk too - just know I'm glad you've found me and I hope you visit me again soon!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sunday in the Kitchen - Cool Drinks & My 3 Hot Links

Happy Sunday friends!

Since it's a holiday weekend, I'm going to make this short and sweet.

My hot links from around the blog-o-sphere this week are:

(1) From the blog of The Bent Agency, a great post about editing out those 'as' and 'ing' phrases.

(2) Over on The Lasting Rose is a worth-reading post about choosing a great title for your blog that will encourage people to actually read it!


(3) On Your Writing Coach there's a great post on 8 Basic Creative Writing Tips.

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My writing news this week: My plot board is looking wonderfully colorful as everything is finally coming together on my latest project. Chapter 1 has been started and I think I'm already in love with the hero...I'm thinking that's a good sign that I'm on the write track!

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For our holiday weekend enjoyment, today I'm posting two drink recipes using flavored vodka.


2 oz. chocolate vodka
1 splash of orange juice
1 splash amaretto
Club Soda*

Add all the ingredients except the club soda in the shaker with some ice. *After shaken, add your desired amount of club soda and pour.



3 oz. orange vodka
3/4 oz. orange juice
3/4 oz lime juice
and orange twist for garnish (optional)

Please remember to always drink responsibly and never drink and drive!

Enjoy the day!


  1. Oh, yum! I'll have to give these a try. Thanks!

    It's very cool that your plot board is working out well. Can't wait to read this one. :)

  2. Sounds awesome, Debora. :D We had Chai Teas here today...I think that's what they're called. :P Yummmy.

    Glad to hear the plot board is going well for you. And I can't wait to read what's next!

    Wasn't sure if you changed the color on the blog, but I'm loving the mellow green. Really is a great color.


Thanks for stopping by the blog today and for joining in the conversation with your comment! Happy scribbling!